Gas Pains in the Chest

Gas pain in the chest area causes a lot of discomfort and inconvenience to people. More so, they can cause sharp and stabbing pain in the left, right, lower and upper portions of the chest area. Not only can it lead to embarrassing moments, but it can also cause shooting pain, tingling sensation and dull feeling for many individuals out there. Possible causes include food intolerances, constipation as well as intake of antibiotics. Learn more about its symptoms, treatments and causes for a better understanding of this chronic medical condition.

Symptoms of Gas Pains in the Chest

Aside from severe pain, there are other signs and symptoms associated with this medical condition. Sometimes, it can cause distension or abdominal bloating. Excessive gas can also lead to cramps as well as sharp stabbing pain, which are usually concentrated on the abdomen and chest. The most common sign of gas pains in the chest is the involuntary or voluntary passing of gas. In worse cases, patients may also experience chest pain, vomiting and nausea. Furthermore, fever, weight loss and bleeding are amongst the other symptoms of this medical condition.

Causes of Gas Pains in the Chest

Taking too much artificial sweeteners like mannitol and sorbitol can cause gas pains. They are usually found in candies, gums and sugar-free foods, which may actually lead to diarrhea and excessive gas inside the human body. In the case of children, lactose intolerance is one of the major causes of gas pains. In adults, intolerance to gluten is one of the causes of gas pains, which may also lead to weight loss and diarrhea. Excessive use of laxatives and antibiotics can also cause excessive gas buildup inside the body. Moreover, other medical conditions can also cause pain like constipation, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Diagnosis of Gas Pains in the Chest

When patients suffer from gas pains, doctors check their medical histories right away. Add to that, they review the eating habits of patients to determine the real cause of the problem. Of course, a thorough physical examination is necessary in order to gain better understanding of the real health situation of patients. In other cases, doctors can perform other types of tests, which may help rule out the possibility of severe and painful conditions like partial bowel obstruction.

Relief from Gas Pains in the Chest

People can use many different methods to treat gas pains in the chest. Over-the-counter drugs are very helpful like activated charcoal, lactase supplements as well as beano. The use of medications containing simethicone can actually help a lot. Some of the trusted products that contain this ingredient are Mylicon, Mylanta and Gelusil. Furthermore, patients can also improve their diets by reducing the use of dairy products, high-fiber foods and fatty foods.

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