Eating Disorder Treatment

Binge eating is a serious disorder and left untreated can lead to different health problems. For this reason, eating disorder treatments must be seriously considered. Because people afflicted with this condition often have feelings of guilt, the emotional well being is considered part of the treatment too.


This can be in group or individual sessions. The goal is to help

change your eating habits. There are many types of psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on the issues that lead to binge eating. It can also help you manage your behavior and eating habits.

Interpersonal therapy concerns your relationship with other people. Personal relationship problems can cause binge eating; this therapy aims to improve your communication skills. Dialectical behavior therapy teaches you skills to handle stress and control your emotions. Improving your tolerance levels is also taught here.


There is no drug made specifically to cope with binge eating. However, certain medications can reduce the symptoms. Research has shown that therapy and taking medications can treat binge eating problems effectively.

Helpful antidepressants include tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It is not clear how it helps fight binge eating, but it probably affects the brain chemicals involved with disposition.

The anticonvulsant topiramate (Topamax) can limit binge eating episodes. There are serious side effects however, including a burning sensation, incoherent thoughts and numbness.

Sibutramine (Meridia) is an anti-obesity drug suitable for short term treatment. This eating disorder treatment is best for those who are obese and suffer from binge eating.

The medication will lessen your hunger pangs. However, there are potential side effects, including dizziness, dry mouth and constipation.

Consult your doctor before taking any of these medications.

Weight Loss Programs

These ought to start after the binge eating problem has been cured. The reason is that low calorie diets could cause the binge eating. Those with binge eating problems and want to start a weight loss program should do so under supervision.

Self Help

Others rely on self help books or support groups. Some have found these effective, but others require professional help.


Common signs are eating even if you are full, eating very quickly and eating even if you are not hungry. You are also aware that your eating habit is not right but cannot control it.

This leads to feelings of anxiety, depression and self disgust. There are also unsuccessful attempts at dieting. Binge eating can affect overweight people and those with normal weight.

Get medical help as early as possible. This condition rarely goes away on its own. If this is not treated, the problem will get worse.


Several factors may be behind the illness. The condition may be hereditary. Psychological factors like low self confidence, stress and anger may play a role. The culture and environment can also influence people as to how they eat.

Eating disorder treatments are available and should be obtained. If you do not feel comfortable talking about this with a doctor, talk to someone you can trust. They can help you take the steps needed to recover from this condition.

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