Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung cancer treatment can come in the form of radiation therapy, removal of the cancer via surgery or chemotherapy. Combination of these treatments is also possible. The treatment to be given will depend on the diagnosis of the attending medical specialist. This will be based on the severity of the tumor and the health of…

What Causes Eye Twitching?

What Causes Eye Twitching?

Definition Eye Twitching, or Blepharospasm, is involuntary eyelid twitching. It is also referred to as an eye muscle spasm. The term blepharospasm really applies to any abnormal blinking or involuntary eye twitching of the eyelids caused by uncontrolled contractions of the muscles around the eyelids. One type of blepharospasm is Benign Essential Blepharospasm (BEB) a…

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease

Definition of Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease is identified as any disease that affects the heart or blood vessels (veins or arteries). It is often specifically associated with atherosclerosis (arterial disease) despite the fact that the term in and of itself suggests any disease that affects the cardiovascular system. The incidence of this type of disease…

Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms

Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms

Pancreatic cancer is a medical condition characterized by the formation of malignant cysts and cancer cells in the pancreas. To identify the stage of the cancer and the effective treatments that can enhance the quality of life of patients, physicians should know the different pancreatic cancer symptoms experienced by their patients.